Time to fill you all in on some exciting
details! Most of you know that my book Another
Ending is finally in my hands—and I am eager to get it into yours. That is
what I have been focusing on for the last few weeks. I’ve been busy selling to
people who’ve been patiently waiting for its release and scheduling events to
get the book straight into the hands of my target audience. But as more and
more people have been reading my book I am finding out that my target audience
is much bigger than I ever thought. In fact, I’m not really sure I can say I
have a target audience anymore! My publishing house would argue with me on
that, and to some degree it is a very good idea to have a target audience—it
makes marketing that much easier. I am able to seek out specific places that my
target audience hangs out and get the book right to them. So, if I had to
narrow it down to a group the book would best cater to, I would say young
adults, specifically young women.
But many of the people who’ve read my book so
far don’t fall into that category. And yet the feedback from those people has
blown my mind. This isn’t a story just for teenage girls—it may be about a teenage girl, but think about
your own life. You are surrounded by people of different circumstances, just as
my main character Molly is. She has younger siblings, parents, friends, and
people much older than her in her life, influencing her. So even though this
story is mainly about her, it’s also about those other groups, and in that way
I am able to reach a much bigger group of people. I hope mothers reading this
story realize the power they have over their children. I hope fathers see just
how important it is for them to verbalize and demonstrate love to their
children. I hope teenagers see just how important their friendships are to
their friends, and how words can deeply affect, deeply wound, the people they
really love. I hope Christians can see
how their good intentions sometimes come off as harsh and hurtful as they
struggle to figure out how to love the lost around them. I hope non-Christians
can see the mind-blowing, completely amazing love that God has for them. I hope
that everyone can see that love!
Originally this project started as a mission
to educate people about the side- effects of abortion; about how even in
circumstances such as rape it can still haunt and deeply hurt women. And there
are still traces of that in this story, but I realized that if I wanted to
reach beyond my target audience I couldn’t have the main focus of my story be
this sensitive issue. This isn’t about making people feel guilty or changing
their stance on abortion. It is about a broken, hurting girl who runs away from
the God she has loved for her entire life because she feels he has let her down.
It is about asking tough questions and realizing that that’s okay! It’s a story of brokenness, because we are all broken! Ultimately, this is a story
about Jesus—about how he can take all us broken people through his refining
fire and make us strong and beautiful.
Some of my readers, however, were pretty
upset about a certain aspect of my book. (You know who you are!) So while I say
it’s a story about Jesus, I know that at the end of this first book many of you
will be left a tiny bit unsatisfied, because it’s still a story about Molly.
This isn’t a “bubble gum” ending. It might not end the way you want it to. But
fear not….because on Thursday I signed the contract for my second book, An Open Window, which is a continuation
of Molly’s story. I am so excited to
share with you later on the reasoning behind the name of this book. It works out
soooooo perfectly, it is almost scary. I get excited just thinking about it. So
while I am in the midst of marketing my first book and hosting pre-release
parties and book signings, I will begin production on the second one. Makes
logical sense to start working on a third one right? Way ahead of you, friends!
As of a few days ago I am 88 pages (about 40,000 words) into the third one, Out of the Dust. (I had to stop writing
the third one to start formatting my second book’s manuscript, which is killing
me because it’s getting to the good part!) There are NOT enough hours in my day
to get all this stuff done. J
For those of you who haven’t had a chance to get
a book or maybe just aren’t sure if you want to invest your time and money into
it, I encourage you to visit my website and check it out for yourself: http://sarawhitley.tateauthor.com/
This book would be a great way to reach out to any hurting family members or
friends in your life, as it includes a clear presentation of the gospel. I sincerely
hope that it can touch your heart, encourage and inspire you. If it does, pass
it on.
And for those of you who are angry that you
have to wait six-eight months for the second one….check out my blog on my author
website, which is linked here http://sarawhitley.tateauthor.com/blog/
. I might have posted the prologue for my second book J
Dates to put in your calendar:
March 2nd: pre-release
party at University of Sioux Falls, Cleveland Center room 106B, 2:00-5:00 pm.
March 16th: pre-release
party at Rexall Drug in Yankton, SD. Time TBA
May 28th: My book will be
available in national distribution! So you can tell all your friends to go out
and get themselves a copy.
What a pre-release party is:
time for you to meet the author, buy a book if you want (for you and for all
your friends!) eat food, and talk to me and other guest about the book. It will
be a fun time.
What a book signing is:
much the same thing, only in a bookstore setting. Pre-release parties are a
chance for me to sell the personal copies that I have bought, while a book
signing is a partnership with bookstores. But it is more of the same thing:
meet the author, buy books, talk to other readers. Eat food J
Please make plans to join me for these fun
events, and TELL YOUR FRIENDS! If you read the book and enjoyed it this is a
great time to get copies into their hands. Or if you’ve been wanting a copy,
come and get a signed one! It is a good deal all around, and I appreciate your